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top of page was created by the YouTube channel We Do Recover in order to get you right to the speakers that you want to hear, when you want to hear them.  


Our goal is to organize our library of speakers in a way that is easily understood, so that anyone can have access to AA's message of hope. 


Ultimately, our hope is that our site will somehow be a part of someone's first step to recovery.  Maybe they'll find us and get to a meeting because of something they hear from one of our speakers.


Thank you for your continuous support! is not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous.  We are just doing our part to carry the message of recovery from alcoholism. 


Within the program of Alcoholics Anonymous and other larger 12-step programs, there are individuals who become “circuit speakers.”  Circuit speakers are ideally individuals who have a fair amount of sobriety and who are able to convey their messages of “experience, hope, and strength” to large crowds in an often humorous and poignant manner, captivating the crowd.  Professor George H. Jensen, PhD defines circuit speakers as “The more entertaining and proficient speakers who are frequently invited to speak at conventions and special events” (Jensen).  Some circuit speakers have become extremely famous and are actually known throughout AA culture, such as Clancy, Bob Bisanz, Sandy Beach, and the duo, Joe and Charlie.


Circuit speakers are not paid, but their transportation and boarding is generally paid for, even if they often are staying at another fellow’s house.  That being said, one circuit speaker who briefly wrote online about it, mentioned that even after transportation and the room is provided for, she generally ends up paying a fair amount of money on each trip.


What's special about our YouTube channel is that we not only host circuit speakers, but are open to carrying the message of any alcoholic in recovery.  Some of the best talks come from AA members hidden away in a smoke filled meeting hall, with few members in attendance, and we've got those too.  Make sure to visit our channel HERE  If you'd like to submit your Alcoholics Anonymous talk, please email it to  Thank you, and have a great day in recovery! is not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous.

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