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AA Speaker Claire K.

“Don’t get too well too quick!”

This Alcoholics Anonymous speaker shares her experience strength and hope at 19 years sober. Claire grew up in a large family with 13 brothers and sisters. It was the love of her family that got her help, and is the reason she found AA.


When she finds herself in a paper dress, sitting in detox, drinking a Shasta, while eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, she hears someone tell the truth about their alcoholism for the first time. She decides to continue to rehab when she finds out it’s like a vacation resort.


For the first eight years the only advice she took was “don’t get too well too quick.” She figures out what a resentment was, when she broke up with her boyfriend and he married her best friend two weeks later. Shortly after she discovers her new boyfriend dead at 29, and finds herself in unbearable pain, she would even try working the twelve steps... is not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous.

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